Friday, September 18, 2009

UPDATE: She's 7 months old!


I finally got around to downloading pictures off of my camera & discovered how terrible I have been about taking pictures! A week & 1/2 ago M turned 7 months old! I can hardly believe it! She has been sitting up entirely on her own now for over 3 weeks, on 9/13/09 she finally figured out how to roll from her back to her front as well as front to back (on the same day)! She had previously gone from front to back, but not with any consistency. Now she can do both & knows she can in order to get something she wants. In mid August she figured out that she could scoot while laying on her back. She puts her knees up & pushes off so she scoots upwards. This has not helped the bald spot on the back of her head! :) She is developing quite the little attitude as well. She knows what she wants & will tell you. She loves to chatter & making the sound "a-da, a-da". She absolutely adores her big brother & vice versa! Even if she is in the middle of a fit & C walks in, she will stop crying & start giggling & laughing at him! It is so cute to listen to the two of them giggling at each other. Once one of them starts in, the other gets going & they will just giggle & giggle & giggle. C is almost potty trained. He forgets to tell you he needs to go about 40% of the time, but if my husband & I remember to take him every hour, he stays dry. He still will not go #2 on the toilet though. However, he will hold it until he has a pull-up on for bedtime or nap time & go then. We haven't had a #2 accident (in big boy pants) in over 3 weeks! C also has a new friend. His new best friend is imaginary & is with him all the time. He is a robot. Yes, a robot! Anyone who knows my son will laugh at this. He used to be deathly afraid of robots. Now anytime he gets in trouble he blames it on his robot or says his robot made him do it. I even find him talking to his robot every once in a while. His new favorite movie is "Pete's Dragon" & "Scooby-doo." He is getting to be quite the little riot. Anywho... That is the update on us. Oh, yes, & today actually happens to be mine & my hubbys 10th anniversary! 10 years! I can hardly believe it! I would post pics of our wedding, but they are all in storage! Bummer! It's been a good 10 years with lots of fun, challenges, sad & happy times! I love you Babe!

Here are the pictures I took of M on her 7 month mark!

This picture I was messing around with my camera & used micro-burst. The blown up view of it is pretty cool. It would be a cool effect for sports or something like that.