So, It's been FOREVER since I posted. Life is way busier with 2 kids than with just 1. Especially now that M is crawling & cruising around. She doesn't sit still for more than 2 minutes I swear! Here are some pics of her during her B-day week.

Okay, so this pic is from about 3 wks ago, but it is a pic of her very first piggy tail!

So G&G Swenson went to Thailand for a week & a half over M's B-day, so we had a little pre B-day cupcake & present unwrapping before they left. She did not like having all that gunk on her hands.

She got several outfits & PJ's, boy does this girl LOVE clothes! She loves to play in piles of clothes!

Here is the cake! I special ordered M's B-day cake to match a pair of leggings I have for her. Isn't it way cute! Just the right size.

I got her all ready (leggings & hair done) & I placed her on my makeshift photo back drop. When Dad brought the cake into the room she started screaming! She wanted it NOW!

However, once she actually had the cake in front of her, she was a little timid about digging in.

Here she is trying to figure out how to pick it up without getting all gooey.

She started with the candle first. She did not want to give up the candle, not sure why though. It's not like it tastes any good.

It cracks me up that both of my kids are such FREAKS about getting their hands all sticky!

Still worried about the goop on her hands. :)

Here she is trying out a new way to eat the cake without getting it on her hands. It worked out okay for her.

The sugar is finally starting to set in.

Woohoo!!! Gotta love the sugar!!!

Notice the lack of REALLY digging in! Neither of my kids really ever got that it was okay on this one occasion to get really messy, that it is expected of them. :)

More cake & matching legging shots.

She started to get into a little more, after a little encouragement from mom & brother.

Daddies little girl!

Mom & M.

C & M. He is supposed to be hugging her (though it was more of a choke hold). She did not want to share her cake with him.
So there you have it. She is now 1! I can hardly believe it. She had her 12 month dr visit today & her weight is up from the 10th percentile to the 24th percentile. She weighed 19 lbs 6 oz. She is 28.5 inches tall (26th percentile) & her head is 46 cm (76th percentile.) All in all she is doing well.