The last two weeks have been busy for us. We had Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Stacey come stay with us for an entire week!!! (They were here for our cousin, Dane & Katherines wedding.) Caiden LOVED having them here. In fact, he and Grandpa (Ba-pa) are bust buddies. Whenever we were going somewhere, he just had to be in the same car as his Ba-Pa! We ended up doing some fun things! We went to Phoenix Zoo for his Aunt Staceys birthday and they both got to ride the carosel! What fun.
Today was His SECOND Birthday!!!! I can hardly believe it has already been 2 years! He hasn't been feeling well so we just had a small little party with just the three of us. (seriously, this kid has been crying over ANYTHING and EVERYTHING all day long! He has a bad double ear infection, so I really can't blame him for not feeling well.)
His Birthday cake Before....
His birthday cake after...
All he wanted to do with the cake was to blow out the "fire" and to eat a few finger fulls of frosting. When we asked if he wanted to eat some cake, there was a resounding "NOOO!" So we didn't even bother cutting into today... Maybe tomorrow.