My Hubby finally got fed up with not having wireless internet upstairs and so he decided to get a hard line upstairs. He threaded it through the airduct! At least no drilling was involved! I can now post pictures! It snowed this morning, melted and then snowed again tonight. My son & I went & made a snowman while my Hubby studied. It was fun. My son ate the carrot nose off shortly after I had put it on the snowman. He also gave the snowman hugs & kisses. I really want to post the pictures from our move and a few others, but I don't have them downloaded and reduced on my hubbys laptop, & I am unfamiliar with Windows Vista so I will have to have him show me soon. In the meantime, here are current photos.
yea! you are up and running again! I am so happy! Anyway, i had my last day at work last week and I start clinicals next week. It will be weird hearing all the gossip the way Dr Warner does, just chillin at the desk at shift change. Weird... I will call you soon
I'm surprised you even had a coat for must have had to buy that specifically for your move up here. Kindof crazy we're having snow all the way into April, but I guess it's fun for kids who have been living in Arizona :)
I can't believe you made him wear that hat. It was uncool when we were kids.
-Come to think of it, I'm surprised that thing is still around. I would have figured it went to DI a couple of decades ago. You just have it stashed away somewhere for the last 20+ years?
yea! you are up and running again! I am so happy! Anyway, i had my last day at work last week and I start clinicals next week. It will be weird hearing all the gossip the way Dr Warner does, just chillin at the desk at shift change. Weird... I will call you soon
Cute pics. When you figure out Windows Vista let me know. We got a new computer last night & so far I am NOT sold!!
I'm surprised you even had a coat for must have had to buy that specifically for your move up here. Kindof crazy we're having snow all the way into April, but I guess it's fun for kids who have been living in Arizona :)
I can't believe you made him wear that hat. It was uncool when we were kids.
-Come to think of it, I'm surprised that thing is still around. I would have figured it went to DI a couple of decades ago. You just have it stashed away somewhere for the last 20+ years?
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