So I was talking with one of my AZ friends this afternoon and she reminded me of what a terrible blogger I have been the last several months. So I thought I would get all of you few readers that I do have updated on pics and things in the life of me, my hubby & my son. So here are several pics and little blurbs so you are updated & informed.
Last month my son was being very quiet while I was doing some laundry, so I went to find him. This is what I found.
What is that tube in his hand you ask? None other the water resistant, almost impossible to wash out, Desitin. He must have thought it was toothpaste because it appears that he placed some on his toothbrush and moved on from there. There were little white hand prints all over the wet-wipe boxes as well. Proof that he was trying to clean himself up before being caught, but only made himself even more messy.
It took a lot of soap and awfully long bath to get him cleaned up. At least we were able to see the humor in it. :)

Thomas the Tank Engine was up in Heber over Memorial day weekend so we decided last minute to take my son to see him because he is OBSESSED with all things trains!

We went on the train ride and he was very enthralled with the whole thing, especially the sound of the tracks clickety-clacking as we rode along.

Both my Hubby and my son were REALLY intrigued by this old coal engine. The Heber Valley Railroad has a whole bunch of old engines, trailers and such that you can just look at and touch. It was really cool.

That same weekend we went to a gathering at my grandparents home. They have a fabulous backyard and a group of my dads cousins were all there and we had a picnic out on the patio and lawn. It was a little chilly, but a beautiful day. This is my niece giving my grandma a big hug. I thought it was a great picture of my Grandmother!

In their back yard they have this HUGE old willow tree that had some wood rot a couple of years ago, so they had to trim it WAY back. There are still several of the old stumps sitting around the base of the tree. My nephew and son had the
best time hitting and breaking up one of these stumps looking for bugs and worms. They didn't find any, but it kept them busy, occupied and in
one spot for well over an hour!

I know, a random picture of radishes! Well, this is my first harvest from the vegetable garden we planted earlier in May. I was so excited to have fresh veggies I just had to take a picture! I ended up putting them into a really yummy tuna fish sandwich! DELICIOUS!

This picture was taken tonight. We went out to dinner with one of my husbands high school buddies and his wife and kids. They ended up coming over to our house to hang out after dinner. They have two boys and all three of the boys played well together. At one point, my son was very mischievous and got up on the kitchen table to make a mess!!! Can you guess what the white stuff is? An ENTIRE bag of
powdered sugar!!!! What a mess! It was so funny though. He was licking his little fingers as fast as he could when we were approaching him and while we were trying to clean him up. What a little stinker!
you are so hilarious! I am so glad for the new pictures though... I can't believe how big he is getting! I miss you guys!
I cannot believe how busy Caiden is!! I would worse, I'd DIE!! Oh my goodness!!! You are a good patient mom. I hope you are doing well...we are surviving the sweltering heat!
Hi Monica! I love viewing your pics-your son is hilarious! I actually just started a blog-it needs a lot of work, but would love to have your email address because I plan to set it to private. Thanks! I hope all is well! KIT
:) Janet Muth:
Monica I'm so glad I found your blog!! Your boy is adorable!! (even when he gets into things) :) It's great to hear how you're doing in Utah, and your husband's a firefighter now!! Awesome!! I look forward to keeping in touch!
Caiden = Dennis the Menis! I think I saw your hubby's name in a hart's gas station the other day. Did you win Hanna Montana tickets??
I think you need an update Monica!! I hear you're expecting. WOOHOO!! That's exciting!!
I know, I know, I know. I need to update my blog! I keep getting on to post, and then when I start to type, I can't think of a single thing to write. Call it Prego Brain. :) I will be posting soon, I hope.
hey. email me your email. we were editing our contact list and must have deleted it.
and check out Guy's blog (that's what I was trying to email about). He's part of a fundraising thing this week for Stephanie Clark Nielson. The details are linked on his blog.
We need some updates Monica. I need to see how huge monster Caiden has become! We still miss you guys like crazy. The new neighbor finally moved in and I've had such a time of it trying to keep Hannah out of her house. She keeps trying to break in to make sure Caiden isn't really in there.
And you're pregnant? Congratulations!!!!!!
Monica!! Your son is so funny! I miss watching him for you! Its so sad that you guys are gone but im toataly envious that you guys live near the "reall" mountains and have all 4 seasons! I miss you guys so much! Thoes pictures were so funny! I love them! anyways, I have to invite you to my blog so email me at and then ill add you! Post more pictures ok! love you!
Cassi Clark
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