What a slacker I have been!!!! We had our ultrasound the first week of October. Everything looks good with the baby, all parts appear to be present & functioning! :) You can kind of see the profile in this one, I thought the hand in the "SHHHH" position was quite cute. The baby wouldn't hold very still so it was hard to get a good snap shot of its profile, but from what we could see, it has a very similar profile to my son.

Here is a good side profile of its leg & bum. The doctor couldn't get a very good "photo copier" shot of its bottom, so he had to look for boy/girl parts from the side view by scanning in & out laterally to see if there were boy parts between the legs or not. It was quite difficult.

From what the doctor determined (& from what I had gathered from an earlier peek with an ultrasound machine @ work) there are no boy parts & it's a GIRL!

You have to use your imagination a bit here, but this picture is looking at the babies bottom and thighs. It looks like the baby doesn't have the lower part of her legs because of the way we had to zoom in & out (she had her feet crossed & knees together the entire time.) The picture looks like a heart turned on its side, right? Well If you look VERY closely to the right side of the heart right where you would draw the "v" shape of the heart, you can see her girl parts. Some people describe girl parts in ultrasounds as looking like a hamburger. So we are expecting a little girl in February. Pretty cool, eh?
CONGRATS!!! We are so excited for you! We get to find out soon what we are having as well.
Thats so cool! Congratulations! Im so happy for you! a little girl! yah! I want to see a pic of you! Oh and thank you for telling me about the Firetruck! Its all makes sence now!
I know you are thrilled...I remember you saying you wanted a girl so bad. Congrats!!! How are you guys?? I think of you often.
Congrats Mon!
we are having a little girl too! yippy! maybe they can be nursing buddies some day!
Yeah! I am so excited for you. . .I only know girls so I am a bit biased. Girls Rock! How fun. I hope all goes well. It has been nice staying updated with you guys. Tell Jeff and Caiden Hi from the Walkers
You guys have a blog?! You are PREGNANT??!!! Where have I been?! :) I was on Cassi's blog and saw your name and wanted to see what was up! Im glad I did! I still have a lot of posts to read to catch up, but that will have to wait till after homework time! :) I hope you are all well and that your pregnancy is going GREAT! Utah looks like fun! Enjoy the snow for me!
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