Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pregnancy update-26 weeks

Okay, so no pictures for this entry & it will have to be a quick one. I am now 26 weeks into my pregnancy, which would make one think "WOW, only 14 more weeks to go!" Right? Well that's what I was thinking about 2 days ago too, until yesterday. My retarded body is trying to decide that it wants this pregnancy to be done with sooner than later! I had cramps & contractions in the morning that pretty much went away in the afternoon. I went to work & they started back up about 3 hours into my shift. I had Braxton Hicks contractions with my son, and with this one thus far, but these were different. There was actually a little pain & discomfort involved. My OB just happened to be at the hospital & so he checked my cervix, which is fortunately still closed, but thinning out & softening already. NOT GOOD! So we went ahead & did a full triage evaluation & put me on the monitors. Contractions every 2 MIN! YIKES! I got a LOVELY medication called Terbutaline- it makes you feel like CRAP- and a steroid shot to my buttocks! The Terb (as we labor nurses call it) stopped the contractions almost entirely (1 an hour) but it makes your heart race & pound and you get all jittery! I could barely fill out paperwork. The steroid shot is to help her lungs develop quicker just in case she does really & truly come early. I get to go back to the hospital tonight for another one of those lovely bad burning boys! (seriously, the shot burns pretty darn good! & I HATE SHOTS!!!!!!) Anywho, this morning was pretty scary when I woke up cramping again, but now it seems to be only one an hour again. I will keep you posted on what develops with this lovely unwanted scenario. As a labor nurse I have seen all realms of the spectrum from moms who really do deliver early to moms who go past their due date despite having been treated for preterm labor. So we will see. Keep us in your prayers!


Brittani said...

oh--- the joys of terb! I don't even want to think about that again. Maybe I will spend some extra time (after prayers for you of course) talking to my uterus and reminding it to stay nice and relaxed for the next 20 weeks! good luck with everything. Preterm contractions are a pain in the butt! Just be thankful you work where you do.

Becky said...

I went all those things with Jack and some with Gage. It's no fun. But take it easy. You'll be ok. My cervix was soft with both kids. Gage came a week early and Jack 36 weeks...however, Tagg would have happily stayed in until who knows when. I hope you guys are well.

Alisha said...

Yikes Monica, I hope everything goes okay and your little one stays in the oven. I'll keep you in my prayers!

Cassandra Romney said...

Scary Monica! She just wants to come to earth and play with her mommy and daddy and brother so bad! Can you blame her!! You guys are fun! Im sorry about the scare! Ill pray for you!