Sunday, February 8, 2009

It's about time...

I know, my posting has been absolutely inexcusable & lazy! I can't believe it has been a month since my last post! Much has happened, though it took long enough. The last several weeks we have been preparing the house for my in-laws return from their mission. (For those who don't know, we have been living in their house while they were gone & have since moved into the basement & readied the upstairs for their return). It was quite the task, but we completed it a day or two before they got home (this last Monday Feb 2nd). I had figured that my Little baby girl would arrive before her grandparents, but I was wrong. It seems that she wanted to wait until they were home before she made her grand entrance. Anyway, about a week & a half ago we took some belly pictures & my son wanted to part of that photo shoot.

He loved putting his hands on my belly & feeling the baby kick at him. :)

Side profiles! Not too big, but still getting uncomfortable.
February 6th, 2009 @ 0814 she decided to make her entrance into the world, all 6 pounds 12 ounces & 20 inches of her! The delivery was really awesome & quick! She didn't even get a cone head. I pushed through 3 contractions & she was here!

I think we were all surprised to see that she has a full head of hair! & IT'S DARK! I always imagined I would have a dark haired girl. (Plus my husband has a real weak spot for dark haired & dark eyed girls)! However, I didn't think my daughter would have dark hair @ birth, let alone ANY hair @ birth.

My son is TOTALLY enamoured by her. He was SOOOOOO excited to come see her for the first time. He was all smiles & giggles. A couple of days before she was born, he informed me that she was going to have to come out because she was getting too "bigger". He educated me on how this was going to happen. According my 3 year old, babies are born through moms throats! Here is what he told me...
Son: "mommy, your baby is getting too bigger & is gonna come out huh!? She gonna climb up & up & out through your tongue. & the helicopter is gonna have ta help pull her out with him rope, huh?!"
Mom: nods & chuckles at sons intuitiveness
Son: "mommy?"
Mom: "what sweety?"
Son: "Can I see your hole?" (as he peers down my throat)
I laughed so hard that he had thought this through. A lot of though for a 3 year old. Obviously food goes into your tummy down your throat, there is a baby in moms tummy, it must have to come up & out through that same hole!

He has been so sweet with her & gentle. We shall see how long that continues! I can't believe that she is finally here! I will post more pictures when I get home from the hospital.


Becky said...

WOW!! Congrats!!! That is so fun. I've been thinking of you. Lots of changes since I last checked in, you've been busy!! I need to call you.

Brittani said...

congrats. you are awesome~ what a fun belly picture!

Kathryn said...

Monica! Congratulations on little Mariah! I'm so glad you were able to have her after Ann and Steve got home. She's a doll :)

Mary said...

Congrats!!! She is a doll! We are all so happy for you! Rayalee says hello and wishes that she was where you are in your pregnancy, instead of where she is!(5 1/2 months left!) She hope the twins are as cute! We sure miss you here in the vally of the sun!

The Hansen's said...

Congrats to all of you! She is a dolly! I am so glad that everything went well, hopefully the way you wanted it and free from the 'nurse curse', haha. Enjoy! My love to you all!

Sarah said...

Congratulations Monica! Your belly pictures are so fun, and your little girl is adorable! I love the shot with her in the pink blanket. Funny enough, we just had our little boy too. (Feb 2nd!) I didn't even know we were due around the same time. Glad to hear everything went so well with the delivery and that you are doing well. Love you guys!

Melanie said...

Congrats Monica! I love the pictures of your two kids together. So sweet!

Cassandra Romney said...

Oh thats so exciting Monica! I love her! she is beautiful! Now you have a perfect family! A mommy a daddy a boy and a girl! What more can you ask for! She is so sweet! Im glad that you guys are ok! I was wondering how you were doing! Glad to see your back in the blogger world!

Cassandra Romney said...
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