Yesterday my son & I went to the Phoenix Zoo. The morning started off cool enough, only 85 @ 9:00 with a nice light breeze. The Zoo was practically empty and we had a good time. My husband bought me a zoo pass for mothers day, which is great cuz I can go for an hour or two and not feel like I just waisted $14 on the entrance fee each time we go. As you can imagine, this zoo is limited to the types of animals that can tolerate the hot Arizona climate in the summer. Today we toured the west side of the zoo which has the elephants ("funts"), turtles ("lurles"), tortoises ("yucky"), several different species of birds, orangutan and other small monkeys.
We also went to the petting zoo where my son enjoyed hanging out with the goats ("doats"). He kept hugging one in particular, its name was Brownie. Another one (not sure of its name) kept chasing him around. It was rather funny because he kept telling it "back!!!" It was a great morning!
Today we played, and ate, at our neighbors house with their 5 year old daughter. He really enjoys playing with her, though I think it is hard for her to remember that he is still a baby and doesn't quite understand how to share things yet. She plays with him very well though, and he loves her! He even had to give her a hug before coming in for bath and bedtime.
Also, here is a picture of my husband cutting into a car at his Firefighter Academy. He is having a GREAT time, though some of the tasks and tests have been difficult. 

I just got home and got your message...sory we missed ya!! We would have LOVED to go. Bummer. Want to go this week? I am leaving again Wednesday...but what are you doing before then? Looks like Jeff had fun!! I'll bet you are glad he is home!!
you have a nice blog...found you by accident! I'm a OB nurse and love to sew. My Hubby is a firefighter! I bet yours is having a grand time in the academy! it's also a great place for them to make some awesome friends
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