Friday, February 1, 2008

It's a Date

We finally have a move date. February 16th. I am sure some of you will be asking "did you sell your house?!" Unfortunately, no. But we have prayed about this long & hard and feel that we need to move at this time regardless of the house selling. My husbands last day of work will be next Friday, and I have three more shifts (not counting my on call shift tonight). The move day is approaching FAST. In fact a little TOO fast. But we will make it through I am sure.

My husband flew to Utah on Wednesday to take the written portion of testing for the firefighter position he applied for and he passed! He is getting on a plane tonight to go back to Utah for the physical portion tomorrow morning. I know, yes, he flew home for two days due to his job.

While he is gone I will be struggling between taking care of my son, house cleaning, packing and a few crafty projects I promised some people I would finish before moving. It should be an interesting weekend. Plus we are supposed have some more people coming to look at the house over the weekend. (better put house cleaning at the top of my list of things to do.) I will continue to keep posting any updates. (Sorry no pictures this entry.)


Sarah said...

Wow! That IS really fast, but if anyone can do it, it's you! I'm SOOOO excited to have you guys back here in Utah. Yeah! Tell Jeff congrats on passing his test too. That is just great. Can't wait to see you guys. Let us know if you need any help moving. We both have big arms (but unfortunately mine are the kind that jiggle from side to side!) he he. They still work though. I'd be happy to take Caiden for you too while you are moving. Branson would love a play date! Have a great day! :-) Thanks for the encouragement with my Harrison dilemma. Hopefully I'll be able to someday say he's sleeping in until 9:30 too! Ohhh I can't wait for the day! :-)

mo said...

Thanks Sarah! I might just have to take you up on the playdate! It is gonna be a fun task moving with a toddler trying to help every time you turn around. This is already proving true with packing up boxes (he takes whatever I just put in out within a few seconds!).

Becky said...

Goodluck, keep us posted on Jeff's test this weekend in Utah, I'm dying to hear.

Alisha said...

Holy cow Monica, that's so soon! Congrats to Jeff on getting interviews and things with Lehi--hopefully it works out well. Let me know if you guys need some help hauling things, can't say I'll be a lot of help (can't lift anything too heavy) but I can volunteer Brian :)